The information is presented as follows: the premiere year,
followed by the show title, its exact premiere date and the
city in which it premiered.
1984: Le Grand Tour (Jun.16.1984, Gaspe)
1985: Le Grand Tour (May.14.1985, Montréal)
1986: Le Magie Continue (Apr.20.1986/May.18.1986, Sherebrook)
1987: Le Cirque Reinvente (May.07.1987, La Salle)
1990: Nouvelle Experience (May.08.1990, Montréal)
1992: Saltimbanco (Apr.23.1992, Montréal)
1992: Fascination (May.22.1992, Tokyo)
1993: Mystere (Dec.25.1994, Las Vegas)
1994: Alegria (Apr.21.1994, Montréal)
1996: Quidam (Apr.23.1996, Montréal)
1998: O (Oct.19.1998, Las Vegas)
1998: La Nouba (Dec.23.1998/Jan.28.1999, Orlando)
1999: Dralion (Apr.22.1999, Montréal)
2002: Varekai (Apr.24.2002, Montréal)
2003: Zumanity (Jul.31.2003/Sep.20.2003, Las Vegas)
2004: KA (Nov.26.2004/Feb.03.2005, Las Vegas)
2005: Corteo (Apr.21.2005, Montréal)
2006: Delirium (Jan.26.2006, Montréal)
2006: LOVE (Jun.02.2006/Jun.30.2006, Las Vegas)
2007: Koozå (Apr.19.2007, Montréal)
2007: Wintuk (Nov.01.2007, New York City)
2008: ZAIA (Jul.26.2008/Aug.28.2008, Macau)
2008: ZED (Aug.15.2008/Oct.01.2008, Tokyo)
2008: Believe (Sep.26.2008/Oct.31.2008, Las Vegas)
2009: Ovo (Apr.23.2009, Montréal)
2009: Banana Shpeel (Nov.19.2009, Chicago | Apr.29.2010, NYC)
2009: Viva Elvis (Dec.16.2009/Jan.08.2010, Las Vegas)
2010: Totem (Apr.22.2010, Montréal)
2011: Zarkana (Jun.9.2011/Jun.30.2011, NYC)
2011: IRIS (Jul.11.2011/Sep.27.2011, Hollywood)
2011: MJ THE IMMORTAL World Tour (Oct.02.2011, Montréal)
2012: Amaluna (Apr.19.2012, Montréal)
2013: MJ ONE - Mandalay Bay (May.23.2013/Jun.29.2013 Las Vegas)
2014: KURIOS: Cabinet of Curiosities (Apr.24.2014, Montréal)
2014: JOYÀ (Nov.08.2014, Riviera Maya, Mexico)
2015: TORUK-The First Flight (Nov.20.2015/Dec.21.2015)
2016: Paramour (Apr.16.2016/May.25.2016, NYC)
2016: Luzia (Apr.21.2016, Montréal)
2017: Sép7imo Día: No Descansaré (Mar.09.2017, Buenos Aires)
2017: Volta (Apr.20.2017/Apr.27.2017, Montréal)
2017: Crystal (Oct.05.2017, Lafayette)
2018: Bazzar (Nov.15.2018, Mumbai, India)
2019: Alegría (Apr.18.2019, Montréal)
2019: Messi10 (Spain)
2019: "The Jump" (Las Vegas)
2020: X: The Land of Fantasty (Hangzhou, China)
2020: Disney 2020 (Walt Disney World)
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In the case of Le Magie Continue, Cirque du Soleil originally
performed at Expo 86 in Vancouver before beginning their
Canadian tour. Thus, the official start of the 1986 tour is
May 18, 1986.
In the case of La Nouba, Zumanity, KÀ, LOVE, ZAIA, Believe, and
ZED, Cirque du Soleil staged preview performances of these
productions before their official Grand Opening/Gala Premiere.
Therefore, public performances began on the first date, but an
official premiere celebration did on occur until the second.
NOTE: Cris Angel BELIEVE was scheduled to hold public previews
or have its "soft opening" beginning Sep.01.2008 with the
GALA Premiere on Sep.12.2008 before it was delayed. It was
delayed a second time by having previews begin on Sep.12.2008
and the GALA on Oct.10.2008.
NOTE: BANANA SHPEEL was scheduled to hold public previews in
New York City starting February 4, 2010. It was pushed back
to February 25, 2010 and again to March 17, 2010 before
finally settling on April 29, 2010.
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[Touring Productions]
Saltimbanco (1992-2012)
o) Apr.23.1992 to Dec.19.1993 - North American Tour
o) Mar.11.1994 to Sep.14.1994 - Japanese Tour
o) Nov.02.1994 to Jan.08.1995 - Montreal Special
o) Mar.09.1995 to Feb.01.1997 - European Tour I
o) Oct.13.1998 to Nov.08.1998 - Ottawa Special
o) Jan.07.1999 to Nov.25.2001 - Asia/Pacific Tour
o) Feb.14.2002 to Jul.03.2005 - European Tour II
o) Aug.04.2005 to Dec.03.2006 - Latin American Tour
o) Jul.31.2007 to Aug.23.2009 - North American Arena Tour
o) Sep.17.2009 to Apr.03.2011 - European/Africa Arena Tour
o) Apr.21.2011 to Sep.04.2011 - Australia Arena Tour
o) Sep.21.2011 to Dec.30.2012 - World Arena Tour
Alegría (1994-2013)
o) Apr.21.1994 - Dec.30.1995 - North American Tour I
o) Mar.22.1996 - Dec.25.1996 - Japanese/Hong Kong Tour
o) Mar.06.1997 - Feb.07.1999 - European Tour I
o) May.20.1999 - Oct.02.2000 - Beau Rivage
o) Oct.10.2001 - Apr.07.2002 - Australia/Singapore
o) Jun.12.2002 - Sep.26.2004 - North American Tour II
o) Oct.29.2004 - Nov.27.2005 - Japanese Tour II
o) Jan.05.2006 - Aug.28.2007 - European Tour II
o) Sep.14.2007 - Sep.22.2008 - South American Tour
o) Oct.15.2008 - Apr.06.2009 - Asian Tour
o) May.27.2009 - Aug.14.2011 - North American Arena Tour
o) Sep.07.2011 - Dec.22.2013 - European Arena Tour
Quidam (1996-2016)
o) Apr.23.1996 - Nov.27.1998 - North American Tour I
o) Mar.04.1999 - Jan.06.2002 - European Tour I
o) Feb.07.2002 - Dec.21.2002 - North American Tour II
o) Feb.07.2003 - Apr.04.2004 - Japanese Tour
o) May.06.2004 - Dec.11.2005 - Asia/Pacific Tour
o) Jan.19.2006 - Oct.22.2006 - North American Tour III
o) Jan.04.2007 - Aug.26.2007 - Asia/Middle East Tour
o) Oct.11.2007 - Mar.17.2008 - Mexican Tour
o) Apr.20.2008 - Apr.19.2009 - European Tour II
o) Jul.11.2009 - Nov.21.2010 - South American Tour
o) Dec.11.2010 - Aug.11.2013 - North American Arena Tour
o) Sep.15.2013 - Jun.21.2015 - European Arena Tour
o) Jul.02.2015 - Feb.26.2016 - Asia/Pacific Arena Tour
Dralion (1999-2015)
o) Apr.22.1999 - Dec.14.2003 - North American Tour
o) Jan.14.2004 - Jan.07.2007 - European Tour
o) Feb.07.2007 - Jun.15.2008 - Japanese Tour
o) Jul.17.2008 - Aug.24.2009 - Australian Tour
o) Sep.17.2009 - Dec.31.2009 - Mexican Tour
o) Oct.20.2010 - Dec.23.2012 - North American Arena Tour
o) Feb.06.2013 - Sep.06.2014 - European Arena Tour
o) Oct.02.2014 - Jan.18.2015 - North American "Goodbye" Tour
Varekai (2002-2017)
o) Apr.24.2002 - Jul.23.2006 - North American Tour
o) Aug.10.2006 - Oct.07.2007 - Australian Tour
o) Oct.25.2007 - Jan.02.2011 - European Tour
o) Jan.20.2011 - Jul.10.2011 - Asia/Pacific Tour
o) Sep.15.2011 - Oct.13.2013 - Latin American Tour
o) Dec.13.2013 - Sep.06.2015 - North American Arena Tour
o) Oct.08.2015 - Oct.15.2017 - European Arena Tour
o) Nov.09.2017 - Dec.23.2017 - North American "Goodbye" Tour
Corteo (2005-2015; 2018+)
o) Apr.21.2005 - Dec.28.2008 - North American Tour
o) Feb.04.2009 - Jun.06.2010 - Japanese Tour
o) Jun.26.2010 - Feb.08.2013 - European Tour
o) Mar.30.2013 - Dec.13.2015 - Latin American Tour
o) Mar.02-2018 - Aug.22.2019 - North American Arena Tour
o) Sep.26.2018 - Present - European Arena Tour
Delirium (2006-2008)
o) Jan.27.2006 - Jul.01.2007 - North American Arena Tour
o) Sep.13.2007 - Apr.19.2008 - European Arena Tour
Koozå (2007+)
o) Apr.19.2007 - Dec.05.2010 - North American Tour
o) Feb.02.2011 - Apr.01.2012 - Japanese Tour
o) Jun.07.2012 - Dec.16.2012 - North American Tour II
o) Jan.05.2013 - Apr.04.2015 - European Tour
o) Jun.04.2015 - Dec.27.2015 - North American Tour III
o) Mar.09.2016 - Jul.31.2016 - South American Tour
o) Aug.25.2016 - Mar.17.2019 - Asia Pacific Tour
o) May.30.2019 - Present - European Tour II
Ovo (2009+)
o) Apr.23.2009 - May.13.2012 - North American Tour
o) Jul.13.2012 - Jun.16.2013 - Australian Tour
o) Feb.12.2014 - Feb.21.2015 - Japanese Tour
o) Apr.08.2016 - Aug.30.2017 - North American Arena Tour
o) Oct.05.2017 - Jan.20.2019 - European Arena Tour
o) Mar.07.2019 - Present - South American Tour
Totem (2010+)
o) Apr.22.2010 - Jan.30.2011 - Premiere Tour (CAN/EUR)
o) Mar.03.2011 - Dec.18.2011 - North American Tour I
o) Jan.05.2012 - Feb.05.2012 - London Special
o) Mar.02.2012 - Jul.06.2014 - North American Tour
o) Aug.22.2014 - May.21.2016 - Asia/Pacific Tour
o) Jul.01.2016 - Present - European Tour II
Michael Jackson THE IMMPORTAL World Tour (2011-2014)
o) Oct.02.2011 - Aug.21.2012 - North American Arena Tour
o) Oct.12.2012 - Apr.21.2013 - European Arena Tour
o) May.09.2013 - Jan.14.2014 - Asia/Pacific Arena Tour
o) Feb.28.2014 - Aug.31.2014 - North American Tour II
Amaluna (2012+)
o) Apr.19.2012 - Mar.22.2015 - North American Tour
o) May.06.2015 - Jun.11.2017 - European Tour
o) Jul.26.2017 - Dec.16.2018 - South American Tour
o) Jan.23.2019 - Present - North American Tour II
KURIOS: Cabinet of Curiosities (2014+)
o) Apr.24.2014 - Dec.31.2017 - North American Tour
o) Feb.07.2018 - Jun.02.2019 - Japanese Tour
o) Jul.04.2019 - Present - Singapore/Australian Tour
TORUK-The First Flight (2015+)
o) Nov.12.2015 - Mar.26.2017 - North American Arena Tour
o) Jul.06.2016 - Aug.26.2018 - Asia/Pacific Arena Tour
o) Oct.10.2018 - Present - European Arena Tour
LUZIA: The Waking Dream of Mexico (2016+)
o) Apr.21.2016 - Present - North American Tour
SEP7IMO DIA – No Descansaré (2017-2018)
o) Mar.09.2017 - Sep.23.2017 - South American Arena Tour
o) Oct.19.2017 - May.06.2018 - North American Arena Tour
o) Jun.20.2018 - Sep.23.2018 - South American Arena Tour
VOLTA: Find Your Free (2017+)
o) Apr.20.2017 - Present - North American Tour
CRYSTAL (2017+)
o) Oct.05.2017 - Sep.01.2019 - North American Arena Tour
o) TBA - European Arena Tour
BAZZAR (2018+)
o) Nov.15.2018 - Present - World Tour
Alegría: In a New Light (2019+)
o) Apr.18.2019 - Present - North American Tour
Messi10 (2019+)
o) TBA - European Arena Tour
[Resident Productions]
o) in Las Vegas, Nevada:
- Mystère / Treasure Island
- "O" / Bellagio
- Zumanity / New York, New York
- KÀ / MGM Grand
- LOVE / The Mirage
- Criss Angel BELIEVE / Luxor [Closed Apr.17.2016]
- Viva Elvis / Aria, CityCenter [Closed Aug.31.2012]
- Zarkana / Aria, CityCenter [Closed Apr.20.2016]
- Michael Jackson ONE / Mandalay Bay
o) Others (inside USA)
- La Nouba / Walt Disney World; Orlando, FL [Closed Dec.31.2017]
- Wintuk / Madison Square Garden; New York City, NY [Closed]
- Banana Shpeel / New York City & Touring [Closed]
- Iris / The Kodak Theater; Hollywood, CA [Closed Jan.19.2013]
- Paramour / Lyric Theater; New York, NY [Closed Apr.26.2017]
o) Others (Outside USA)
- ZAIA / The Venetian; Macau, China [Closed Feb.19.2012]
- ZED / Tokyo Disneyland; Tokyo, Japan [Closed Dec.31.2011]
- JOYÀ; Riviera Maya, Mexico
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45 DEGREES is the brand-name of Cirque du Soleil's in-house corporate
events and special projects division. Started around 2001 as Cirque's
marketing arm, the group was spun out in 2014 as part of the company's
effort to recalibrate resoures. In its infancy, the production house
launched and staged private performances for the troupe’s sponsors.
When the team created a performance for the Academy Awards in 2002,
the business really took off. Soon the phone started ringing constantly.
Via the 45 DEGREES brand, Cirque du Soleil has expanded Beyond the Big
Top to create exclusive artistic content that constantly pushes the
boundaries of experimental entertainment, and to provide one-of-a-kind
experiences that titillate the senses, stir the imagination, and remain
etched in the minds of audiences world-wide - whether they be Corporate
Events, Intimate Soirees, Large Public Productions, Prestigious
Appearances, Special Happenings, or just General Presences. The company
now gets about 1,500 requests a year big and small. But more than a
profit opporunity, 45 DEGREES is also a kind of incubator where Cirque
can try out performers and ideas for its larger shows. In 2019, the 45
DEGREES subsidiary and brand was retired for "Cirque du Soleil Events
+ Experiences".
In the beginning, many of Cirque's Events were overly generic
productions, staged with recycled costumes, music, and choreography
from past Cirque du Soleil shows. In 2015, as the 45 DEGREES name came
into prominence, the productions became more polished, branded, and
unique. Here at Richasi's Le Grand Chapiteau, we mostly focus on the
Large Public Productions (these are the high-profile, named concepts)
with some attention given to prestigious appearances and special
happenings, if the presences are more than just a few odds-and-ends
characters about.
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ONE DROP was established by Guy Laliberté in 2007 as a non-
profit organization to support the awareness to and conservation
of water, and although most of what ONE DROP does is beyond
Cirque du Soleil's pervue (both were founded by Laliberté, but
are two separate entities), the two companties do cross paths
from time to time. Learn more about ONE DROP at their website:
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Put simply, C-LAB was the creative experimental laboratory within
Cirque du Soleil. Though C:LAB was established as a subsidiary of
Cirque du Soleil in more recent times, the Cirque has always had
an incredible group of people keen to experiment with new ideas
and technologies. In 2014, Cirque du Soleil reorganized them into
C:LAB. Welby Altidor, Executive Creative Director of Creation at
Cirque du Soleil at the time, headed up this group. The C-LAB
group grew quiet in 2017 and was later reborn as NEXTASY.
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