The show begins with the Prologue. Masked people - Ordinary People - dressed
in their ordinary everyday clothes. They mill about, uncertain where they are. Are
they dreaming? Are they still in reality? Or somewhere in between? Regardless of
where they find themselves, these people begin responding to a mysterious urge
deep inside of themselves, a playful urge - full of folly. Then, out of a
billowing white cloud the Queen of the Night (Michelle Rawlake) and the King of
Fools (Stéphane Drouard) emerges, with their child-like helpers. They wave their
hands (full of magic) and transform the Ordinary People in their dull ordinary
gray clothes into whimsical, colorful acrobats. Color and movement fill the air
as the Transformation (the second step in the opening of Fascination) is complete
- dreams and fantasy can now be played out!