The Twins are joyously reunited at last and the prisoners
overtake their evil captors as the Wheel of Death takes center
stage in a awe-inspiring display of epic feats. The two artists
balance and control the spinning of the apparatus from their
opposing cages attached to the center axle. As one runs and
jumps on the outside of one cage the other controls the speed
by walking or running inside the other cage.

We return to the Archers' Den where the Death Machine has been
completed and the enslaved former citizens of the Empire (including
the captured Nursemaid and Valets) toil away in the mines.
The jealous and vengeful Counselor's son, designer of the Death
Machine, now senses he has enough support and admiration amongst the
Archers' forces to stage a coup. Having had his heart broken by the
Chief Archers' Daughter he captures the Chief Archer and assumes command
of the Archers' forces.
The Counselor's Son's fiendish Death Machine (Wheel of Death) is
powered by slaves running in hamster-wheel cages on both ends of a
long rotating pendulum arm. We recognize the two slaves in the Wheel
of Death as former members of the Imperial Court. While operating the
machine, the slaves escape out of the cage and brazenly taunt their
captives by performing elaborate and dangerous stunts on the moving
Death Machine.
The enslaved Empire is inspired by the courage of the two slaves and
while the Archers are distracted by the events, the Empire rises up and
revolts against its captors, the bravery of the two slaves in the Wheel
of Death begins to turn the tide in the war. In the confusion, the
Chief Archer's daughter is able to rescue her father from captivity.
Meanwhile, in the course of their separate adventures the Twins reunite
and joyously celebrate their reunion. Together they will fight for the
freedom of the Empire.