Two flyers suspended by wrist straps glide gracefully above the stage,
performing original acrobatic figures in a synchronized display of precision and
power. With a double strap, the two artists meld midair, becoming one in a series
of striking acrobatic silhouettes.

In a ballet of perfect symmetry, wrapped in each other’s shadow then
flying free, almost bursting the Grand Chapiteau itself, the twist – Castor
and Pollux – perform aerial feats that Icarus could only dream of. The
performance has a message: all this is possible, Icarus. Find the other
half of your moon, become whole at last. Unite and the heavens will be
yours for eternity.
Originally performed by Kevin and Andrew Atherton (from the United
Kingdom), they appear on the scene as one. But just as soon as they
catch your eye, they become two angels flying amongst the stars.
You'll be amazed as this brotherly
duo soars from one end of the big top to the other, then returning
virtually to the same spot from which they left. Or, launching away
from one another and meeting in mid air!