ELA appears on roller skates with other FREE SPIRITS and performs for WAZ,
who is totally captivated. ELA is his connection to the real world – a spot of
color in his bleak reality. Playfully intrigued, she approaches to touch his blue
feathers, but he pulls back.
When you've come this far out on the edge of yourself, there's no place
left to go but inside. When I retreat to the Cube - my dressing room, my fortress,
my refuge - I am lulled by memories of my youth, like a soothing balm in a jaded

The GREYS execute a striking group choreography, changing directions in rhythmic
unison, their eyes glued to their cellphones – compasses leading nowhere. They are
all the same: withdrawn, strait-jacketed into their daily routines. ELA playfully
joins in the performance of a fellow FREE SPIRIT. A joyful freestyle basketball
juggling artist manipulates basketballs around his neck, arms and legs with
exceptional speed that leaves you speechless with a smile.