
Who Richasi is can be found in the kinds of things he does. He is a writer,
a traveler, and a dreamer. He enjoys art, theater, music and a good story. But
don't let all that fancy speech throw you. He is -- I am -- an every day kind of
guy, who loves to sleep in, watch movies and hang out with friends.
But what or who is a Richasi you may be wondering. Richasi is a nickname, but
more than that, he is my Internet identity. The name actually comes from a character
I developed in a set of stories set on the plains of Africa. Richasi is a leopard
and over the years the character has become quite dear to me and thus I took on his
persona (or he mine?) and became "Richasi". He and I share quite a lot of traits,
consequently. His personality is strong; he's passionate, smart and headstrong,
which can land him in a lot of trouble. Come to think of it, I wonder if he's an
Aries like myself?
I love to travel and there are so many places to see out there... so many things
to experience... so many ways to live. And as of this update, I have been throughout
the United States, into Canada, across Europe, Japan and South Korea. I've visited
such worldly cities as Montréal, Quebec; Vancouver, BC; London, England; Paris,
France; Florence, Rome, Pisa and Fiesole, Italy; Prague, Czech Republic; Tokyo,
Kyoto, Osaka, Hiroshima (and others), Japan; Seoul, South Korea and Monterrey,
Mexico. And I plan to visit many more places and experience many more things
before my days are up, like China, UAE, Peru, and more!
I have a sweet tooth for Disney, Pocky (a Japanese Chocolate Snack), Kodo
(Taïko Drummers), Cirque du Soleil, Anime and a vast array of other things...