Composer /// René Dupéré |
Run Time (57:43) |
01: "O Makunde".............. (3:06)
02: "Pageant"................ (2:44)
03: "Koudamare".............. (3:48)
04: "Storm".................. (4:15)
05: "Deep"................... (2:30)
06: "Shadowplay"............. (3:46)
07: "Pursuit"................ (5:55)
08: "Forest"................. (4:15)
09: "Flight"................. (2:24)
10: "Threat"................. (3:58)
11: "Love Dance"............. (3:33)
12: "Battlefield"............ (4:12)
13: "Aftermath".............. (2:17)
14: "If I Could Reach...".... (3:28)
15: "We've Been Waiting.."... (3:27)
16: "Reach For Me Now"....... (3:48)
[ Liner Notes •
Release History ]
From the Composer - René Dupéré {
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When you compose music for a Cirque du Soleil show, you have to pay attention to every
aspect of the production: costumes, lighting, and so on. Coming into the production fairly
late, I was able to form a general idea of the show and its artistic direction quite quickly.
The very precise storyline and the large number of staging techniques immediately made me
think of the cinema. In fact it's a form of on-stage cinema. As a direct consequence, it
struck me that I had to think in terms of film music, using a very broad palette of
resources (the credits are proof of this) and with a musical vision that does justice
to those resources while avoiding redundancy. So we're really talking about a soundtrack
that sets out to tell a story, and to get across not only the sequence of events in the
story but also the underlying spirit. Using a symphony orchestra, a choir and soloists
are some of the elements we used to convey the epic quality of KÀ that strikes one immediately.
Our main concern in making this disc was to preserve this epic quality in the transfer to
the CD medium. So on the album we find not only the spirit of KÀ, but also various themes
treated a little differently, which while following the show extends its spirit into new forms.
Happy listening!
From the Producer - Martin Lord-Ferguson {
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When I was asked to work on the Cirque du Soleil show KÀ in Las Vegas, I never
imagined I would be involved in such a long-term project, being accustomed in my
cinema, TV and advertising work to shorter, more closely spaced assignments.
Today, one show, one CD and 15 months later, I can gauge the amount of work
that staging shows of this kind demands. KÀ features technical innovations, artistic
audacity and technical feats, all of which must be taken into account in developing
music from the show. Nine musicians playing alone or accompanied by tacks of a
symphony orchestra and choir, a sound system up to the demands of the huge theatre
and show's wide scope - all these factors had to be considered in producing this
Issues which, in view of the musical elements involved, could have been taken
as constraints or problems simply became a wonderful challenge for me - one that
I hope I have lived up to. The disc has its origins in the show but is both a
reflection and an extension of the show. Our primary goal was to respect the
storyline, but also to take its ramifications in new directions. We hope we
have succeeded.
Enjoy the music!
Special thanks to: Christopher Bock and Chandra Lynn from Digidesign.
Thank you, merci...
Vocals {
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Vocals — élise velle (1, 2, 8, 14);
philippe lapan-vandal (9, 11, 13);
ella (3,10);
nitza (15, 16);
martin lord-ferguson (8)
Choir in (1, 2, 4, 7, 8, 11, 12, 13, 14) unless specified — Alain Duguay; Alfred Lagrenade (7, 8);
Andrée de Repentigny; Béatrice Stoklas (1, 2, 4, 11, 12, 13, 14); Benoit Leblanc (7, 8);
Bernard Cayouette (1, 2, 4, 11, 12, 13, 14); Carol Therrien (1, 2, 4, 11, 12, 13, 14);
Céline Chaput; Caludine Ledoux; Cynthia Gates; David Benson; Devon Wastle; Dorothéa Ventura (7, 8);
Ella; Emmanuelle Coutu (1, 2, 4, 11, 12, 13, 14) Eric Tremblay; Jean-François Daignault;
Jennifer Loveless; Jenny Cohen; John Wiens; Josée Lalonde; Louise Frenette; Luc Saucier;
Manon Bellégo; Marc Belleau; Marcel de Hetre (7, 8); Marie-Annick Béliveau; Marie-Claude Arpin;
Marie-France Duclos; Marie Magistry; Martin Auclair; Michal Lamb; Michael Mcauley; Michel Duval;
Michel Léonard; Michiel Schrey; Mireille Dufour; Nancy Colombe (1, 2, 4, 11, 12, 13, 14);
Niles Brown (1, 2, 4, 11, 12, 13, 14); Normand Richard; Philippe Martel; Richard Whitall;
Sarah Barnes; Simon Fournier (7, 8); Steven Bélanger; Yves Saint-Amant
Conductor — jean-sébastien allaire
Musicians {
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Guitars (2, 3, 5, 8, 14, 15, 16) — jimmy rouleau
// Accordion (2) — nicholas williams
// Cello (5) — carla antoun
// Programming and keyboards — rené dupéré & martin lord-ferguson
// Additional percussion programming (3) — ella
Orchestra on (4, 6, 9, 11, 12)
Conductor — simon leclerc
// Copyist and Simon Leclerc's assistant — françois pilon
// Contractor — Suzie Katayama, LYP Music inc.
// Violins — joel derouin; darius; roberto cani; kevin connilly; mario de leon; bruce dukow;
armen garabedian; berj garabedian; endre granat; laurence greenfield; alan grundfeld;
peter kent; miran kojian; robin olson; alyssa park; tereza stanislav; sarah thornblade;
josefina vergara; miwako wantanabe; margaret wooten
// Violas — victoria miskolczy; denyse buffman; matt funes; miriam granat; darrin mccann;
shanti randall; david stenske
// Cello — larry corbett; stefanie fife; steve richards; andrew shulman; randolph stein
// Bass — oscar meza; nico abondolo; michael valerio; david young
// Flute — robert shulgold
// Piccolo — colleen zimmitti
// Oboe — earle dumler
// Clarinet and bass clarinet — dan higgins; ralph williams
// Horns — steven backnell; dan kelley; yvonne s. moriarty; brian o'connor;
john reynolds; brad warnaar
// Trumpets — jon lewis; john fumo; marissa benedict
// Trombones — alan kaplan; steven holtman; william reichenbach
// Tuba — douglas tornquist
// Percussion — wade culbreath
// Timpani — robert zimmitti
// Harp — gayle levant
Production {
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All songs composed by — rené dupéré
// except (3) — rené dupéré & martin lord-ferguson
Lyrics — ella (14);
jim corcoran (15, 16)
// Lyrics in invented language — élise velle
// Produced and Arranged by — martin lord-ferguson & rené dupéré
for Créations Netza inc.
// except (10) arranged by — ella
Additional arrangement (6) — ella, martin lord-ferguson
// Additional choir arrangement (1, 8, 11, 13, 14) — ella
// Orchestration (4, 6, 9, 11, 12) — Simon Leclerc
Recorded and mixed by — martin lord-ferguson
// Orchestra Recording Engineer in Los Angeles — rich winquest
// Assistant Engineers, Los Angeles — paul wertheimer; dominic gonzales
// Recording facilities — créations netza, Montréal;
Paramount Studio Stage M, Los Angeles
// Mixed at — créations netza, Montréal
// Mastered by — bernie grundman, Berin Grundman Mastering
Producer — cirque du soleil musique inc.
// Executive Producer — carol ryan
// Associate Producer — ian tremblay gestions a.c.e.
// Project Coordinator — mathieu-gilles lanciault
Show designed and directed by — robert lepage
Art direction — pierre dasmarais
// Graphic Design — michel dalpé
// Graphics — michel dalpé, gabrielle harvey, eric sauvé
// Photos — norman jean roy, tomas muscionico
// Costumes — marie-chantale vaillancourt
// © 2004 Cirque du Soleil Inc.
8400, 2 Avenue, Montréal (Quebec) H1Z 4M6 Canada.
Tel: 514 722-2324 1 800 678-2119. Fax: 514 722-3692
Ⓟ 2005 Cirque du Soleil Musique Inc.
© 2005 Créations Méandres Inc.
Except 15, 16 - Créations Méandres Inc & Les Éditions Gog et Magog.
Cirque du Soleil Musique {2004+}
Released: October 18, 2005