Welcome to Richasi's Le Grand Chapiteau. This site was launched on June 16, 1999 -
the company's fifteenth anniversary - to entertain and educate passers-by about
Cirque du Soleil, an amazing avant-garde circus troupe from Montréal, and today we're
still going strong. Since 1984, Cirque du Soleil has showed us that life, death and
dreams can and do collide in the most bizarre and eye-catching ways. Immerse yourself
within Cirque's many fascinating creations by using the menu above. And to keep
abreast of what is going on in the Cirque du Soleil world, I invite you to visit
Fascination!, our Cirque news blog and newsletter. And now... Mesdames et
Messieurs... I give you the magnifgicant Cirque du Soleil!