Composer /// Violaine Corradi |
Run Time (74:31) |
01: "Noi"................... (4:52)
02: "Aestus Calor".......... (1:58)
03: "Ignis"................. (3:32)
04: "Hatahkinn"............. (4:51)
05: "Aquilex"............... (2:25)
06: "Comissatio"............ (3:39)
07: "Blue Ales"............. (3:02)
08: "Adrideo"............... (3:00)
09: "Ardor Oris"............ (3:59)
10: "Aequor Oris"........... (4:48)
11: "Caelestis"............. (6:54)
12: "Undae"................. (5:59)
13: "Temperatio"............ (5:47)
14: "Ellâm Onru"............ (8:35)
15: "Gaudiumni"............. (4:00)
16: "Utinam"................ (7:07)
[ Liner Notes •
CD Review •
Release History ]
From the Composer - Violaine Corradi {
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When I wrote the music for ZIAIA, my wish was that every listener would
feel like they have embarked on a unique magical journey. I strongly believe
that music and art in general are amazing means by which alchemical transformations
can take place, inside and out. Because of their ethereal nature, the intense
artistic odysseys of Cirque du Soleil can truely remind us of the Beauty of our
world and thus, enable a direct connection to the Mystery of Life. Here, the
members of the magnificent ZAIA Band literally became enchanters for you ... We
wish you enthralling dreams ... I personally dedicate this album to Mariposa.
Thanks! {
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Violaine Corradi would like to thank, from the bottom of her heart, Alain
Vinet and Guy Laliberte for their faith and their indispensable guidance,
without which a project of this scale would never have been possible, Gilles
Maheu, Neilson Vignola, Gilles Ste-Croix and the ZAIA creative team for their
extraordinary inspiration, Eric Poitevin, David Finch, and the show's audio team
for their invaluable technical support, Thierry Angers, Jason Rauhoff, Rob Heaney,
and Harris Shper for their infinite patience and their fiery passion, Joel Bergeron,
Pierre Parisien, Alan Hills, Simon Pupini, the Operations team and all the artists
who are the heart and sould of ZAIA and who so generously give themselves every
night to fill the theatre with magic, and, last but not least, a HUGE thank-you to
each and every member of the wonderful ZAIA Band for this unforgettable creative
journey, for their burning madness and, of course, their exceptional talent!
Long live ZAIA!
Special thanks to THE ROLAND CORPORATION for providing the V accordion.
Album Production Notes {
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Music and lyrics Composed by — violaine corradi
// Produced and Arranged by — violaine corradi
// Producer's Assistant — thierry angers
//Recorded by — jason rauhoff
// Assistant sound engineer — roy cressey
// Recording Studios — venetian hotel ZAIA theatre (Macau),
avon recording recording studios (Hong Kong)
// Mixed by — rob heaney, harris shper
// Digital edition — thierry angers, jason rauhoff, violaine corradi, harris shper
// Mixed at — studio fast forward (Montréal)
// Mastered by — harris newman at greymarket mastering (Montréal)
Producer — cirque du soleil musique inc.
// Executive Producer — jacques métheé
// Associate Producer — mathieu-gilles lanciault
// Musical Director — alain vinet
Writter and Director of the show — gilles maheu
// Director of Creation of the show — neilson vignola
A very special thanks from the production team in Montreal to Carol Ryan,
France Touchette for their help and their support.
Art Direction — pierre desmarais
// Graphic Design — emmanuelle sirard
// Additional Graphics — eric sauvé
// Photos — Reddog Studio
// Costumes — dominique lemieux © 2008 Cirque du Soleil
Ⓟ 2009 Cirque du Soleil Musique Inc.
© 2008 Créations Méandres Inc.
Cirque du Soleil
8400, 2 Avenue, Montréal (Quebec)
H1Z 4M6 Canada.
- NOI - { Credit }
- Lead vocals - Chicago Rose, Maria Andersson
- Additional vocal - Onofrio Colucci
- Choir - Maria Anderson, Chicago Rose, Violaine Corradi, Estelle Esse, Onfrio Colucci
- Keyboards and Roland V accordion - Steve Bach
- Bouzouki - Olivier Milchberg
- Bass recorder - Racheal Cogan
- Keyboards - Violaine Corradi
- Double bass - Jay Elfenbein
- Drums - Darrin Johnson
- Percussions - Eduard Harutyunyan
- AESTUS CALOR - { Credit }
- Lead vocals - Chicago Rose, Maria Andersson
- Keyboards and Roland V accordion - Steve Bach
- Bouzouki - Olivier Milchberg
- Double bass - Jay Elfenbein
- Ganassi in C - Racheal Cogan
- Drums - Darrin Johnson
- Percussions - Eduard Harutyunyan
- Keyboards and programming - Violaine Corradi
- Vocal arrangements - Chicago Rose, Maria Andersson
- IGNIS - { Credit }
- Lead vocals - Maria Andersson
- Viola de gamba - Jay Elfenbein
- Ganassi in C - Racheal Cogan
- Bansuri - Olivier Milchberg
- Drums - Darrin Johnson
- Percussions - Eduard Harutyunyan
- String section - Hong Kong Symphony Orchestra*
- Additional string arrangements - Conrad Askland
- HATAHKIN - { Credit }
- Lead vocals - Chicago Rose, Maria Andersson
- Piano - Conrad Askland
- Ganassi in C - Racheal Cogan
- Cura Saz - Olivier Milchberg
- Rebab - Jay Elfenbein
- Drums - Darrin Johnson
- Percussions - Eduard Harutyunyan
- String section - Hong Kong Symphony Orchestra*
- Keyboards and programming - Violaine Corradi
- Vocal arrangements - Rose Winebrenner
- AQUILEX - { Credit }
- Ganassi in G and descant recorder - Racheal Cogan
- Kaval - Olivier Milchberg
- Vielle - Jay Elfenbein
- Roland V accordion - Steve Bach
- Keyboards - Conrad Askland
- Drums - Darrin Johnson
- Percussions - Eduard Harutyunyan
- COMISSATIO - { Credit }
- Melodica - Chicago Rose
- Roland V accordion - Steve Bach
- Electric Guitar - Olivier Milchberg
- Percussions - Eduard Harutyunyan
- Drums - Darrin Johnson
- Vocals, keyboards and programming - Violaine Corradi
- BLUE ALES - { Credit }
- Lead vocal - Chicago Rose
- Ganassi in G and Moech bass recorder - Racheal Cogan
- Keyboards - Conrad Askland
- Drums - Darrin Johnson
- Percussions - Eduard Harutyunyan
- String section - Hong Kong Symphony Orchestra*
- Additional string arrangements - Conrad Askland
- ADRIDEO - { Credit }
- Tenor recorder - Racheal Cogan
- Bouzouki - Olivier Milchberg
- Keyboards - Conrad Askland, Steve Bach
- Roland V accordion - Steve Bach
- Double bass - Jay Elfenbein
- Drums - Darrin Johnson
- Percussions - Eduard Harutyunyan
- ARDOR ORIS - { Credit }
- Lead vocal - Chicago Rose
- Piano - Conrad Askland, Steve Bach
- Roland V accordion - Steve Bach
- Double bass - Jay Elfenbein
- String section - Hong Kong Symphony Orchestra*
- Additional string arrangements - Conrad Askland
- AEQUOR ORIS - { Credit }
- Lead vocals - Maria Andersson, Chicago Rose
- Choir - Maria Andersson, Chicago Rose, Rachael Cogan, Violaine Corradi, Estelle Esse
- Drums - Darrin Johnson
- Percussions - Eduard Harutyunyan
- Bouzouki - Olivier Milchberg
- Low Irish whistle in D - Racheal Cogan
- Roland V accordion - Steve Bach
- Treble viol and double bass - Jay Elfenbein
- String section - Hong Kong Symphony Orchestra*
- Keyboards and programming - Violaine Corradi
- Additional vocal arrangements - Maria Andersson
- CAELESTIS - { Credit }
- Lead vocals - Maria Andersson, Chicago Rose
- Ganassi in G - Racheal Cogan
- Electric Guitar - Olivier Milchberg
- Drums - Darrin Johnson
- Percussions - Eduard Harutyunyan
- String section - Hong Kong Symphony Orchestra*
- Keyboards and programming - Violaine Corradi
- Vocal arrangements - Rose Winebrenner, Maria Andersson
- UNDAE - { Credit }
- Spoken words - Maria Andersson, Chicago Rose
- Lead vocals - Chicago Rose
- Throat singing - Racheal Cogan
- Bass violin - Jay Elfenbein
- Tenor recorder and Ganassi in G - Racheal Cogan
- Drums - Darrin Johnson
- Percussions - Eduard Harutyunyan
- Keyboards - Conrad Askland
- Keyboards and programming - Violaine Corradi
- TEMPERATIO - { Credit }
- Lead vocals - Maria Andersson, Chicago Rose
- Keyboards - Steve Bach
- Percussions - Eduard Harutyunyan
- Keyboards and programming - Violaine Corradi
- Vocal arrangements - Rose Winebrenner
- Arrangement of piano part - Steve Bach
- ELLAM ONRU - { Credit }
- Lead vocals - Maria Andersson, Chicago Rose
- Viola da gamba - Jay Elfenbein
- Ganassi in G - Racheal Cogan
- Drums - Darrin Johnson
- Percussions - Eduard Harutyunyan
- Piano - Steve Bach
- String section - Hong Kong Symphony Orchestra*
- Keyboards and programming - Violaine Corradi
- Viola da gamba arrangment - Jay Elfenbein
- Vocal arrangements - Rose Winebrenner, Maria Andersson
- Additional string arrangements - Conrad Askland
- GUDIUMNI - { Credit }
- Kaval - Olivier Milchberg
- Keyboards - Conrad Askland, Steve Bach
- EWI 4000s - Racheal Cogan
- Electric bass - Jay Elfenbein
- Drums - Darrin Johnson
- Percussions - Eduard Harutyunyan
- Programming - Violaine Corradi
- UTINAM - { Credit }
- Lead vocals - Maria Andersson, Chicago Rose
- Piano - Steve Bach
- Treble viol - Jay Elfenbein
- Keyboards - Conrad Askland
- Ganassi in C - Racheal Cogan
- Cura Raz - Olivier Milchberg
- Drums - Darrin Johnson
- Percussions - Eduard Harutyunyan
- Keyboards and programming - Violaine Corradi
- Vocal arrangements - Rose Winebrenner
- String section - Hong Kong Symphony Orchestra*
- Additional string arrangements - Conrad Askland
- Additional piano arrangement - Steve Bach
* String Section (Hong Kong Symphony Orchestra) -
Violins - gui li, katrina rafferty, leslie moonsun ryang, miyaka suzuki /
Viola - robin hong, kaori wilson /
Cello - richard bamping /
Double bass - george lomdaridze /
Contractor - richard bamping /
Orchestra tor - conrad askland /
Conductor - steve bach /
Assistant to the conductor - conrad askland
Text by: Keith Johnson | June 2009
Fascination! Newsletter, Issue #65 /// {
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"The Spirit of Space: a ZAIA Album Review"
Reviewing a soundtrack album is especially precarious if you haven’t
seen the show the music was written for. Without knowing how the
music sounds in the show and fits into the shows action there is no
way to know if the CD is a proper representation of the new creation
or another "interpretation" with lots of artistic liberties.
Though I have seen the program and heard about the show from others
who have seen it, let me say up front I have not traveled to Macao to
see ZAIA. So take my comments with a grain of salt. But I like this
CD very much.
[ Read More ]
What I find most impressive here as much as the music is the way they
recorded it. Unlike in recent years where Cirque CD producers have in
several cases chosen to "re-interpret" a shows music or use local
Montreal musicians, ZAIA composer and CD producer Violaine Corradi has
chose a more "traditional" route. There is so much right about the
direction and production - the process, if you will - I’m inclined to
enjoy the CD just as much for the stand that’s been taken as the music
contained within. Consider:
- The CD is plenty long, at more than 74 minutes one of the
longest in the Cirque canon.
- Corradi has chosen (much to her credit IMO) to use the
musicians from the show creation process, the current ZAIA band and
vocalists. With additional keyboards from Corradi and the occasional
string section (from Hong Kong) the sound is full. This is a point
that can’t be emphasized enough; in this writer’s opinion it is the
creation musicians who add much to the final sound of the music so
should always be the first chosen to appear on CD. While of late
Cirque has used only a show’s creation vocalists (and even then not
always), this is a refreshing return to form.
- The music was largely recorded inside the Venetian Hotel ZAIA
Theater in Macao (with additional recording in Hong Kong). This helps
insure that the music sounds on CD mostly like it does in the show
These reasons are in large part why this CD sounds to these ears more
like a true show soundtrack than a "re-arrangement" - harkening back
more to the CD’s of shows like Alegria and Dralion than Varekai and
Zumanity. There is a very heavy feminine influence with both show
singers being women. There is also a multi-instrumentalist woodwind
player in the band which, as in Corradi’s score for Varekai, brings a
variety of sounds to the party.
While the first song, "Noi" with its Italian flavor made me think I
had made the mistake of playing the Corteo CD by mistake, it quickly
got back on more familiar ground. Much of the music is reminiscent of
Dralion and Varekai (both of which were also composed by Corradi).
Those songs that remind me of previous Corradi works include (note we
are again back to unpronounceable words in a made-up language for song
titles): "Hatahkinn" and "Caelestis" are reminiscent of Dralion, and
"Aquilex", "Comissatio" and" Gaudiumni" are reminiscent of Varekai
Some songs stand out. "Adrideo" continuing the Italian flavor from
"Noi". "Ardor Oris" with its tango feel while somewhat out of place
still adds variety. "Aequor Oris" features an uplifting, triumphant
chorus. "Temperatio" kicks in a dance rhythm in more of an ambient
style, and wouldn’t be out of place on the "Delirium" disk.
The music is generally very melodic, certainly stamped with the
Violaine Corradi style. After listening to the CD, you feel you have
a taste of the show and want to see it. Unlike some of Cirque’s other
soundtrack productions of late, that’s a refreshing change. It makes
a worthy addition to the library of Cirque du Soleil show soundtrack.
One can only hope that the Rene Dupere-composed music from ZED (which
I *have* seen) is treated with as much care.
Cirque du Soleil Musique {2004+}
Released: May 26, 2009