Midnight Sun features 150 circus artists, entertainers
and street performers, as well as over 100 singers and musicians who
came together on July 11, 2004, to celebrate Cirque du Soleil's 20th birthday by performing in
a magnificent show on the main stage of the Festival International de Jazz de Montrèal.
In order to let as many
people as possible join in the celebration, Soleil de Minuit also
aired on CBC and SRC television. Vincent Gagné, Cirque du
Soleil's Vice-President of Multimedia, and Luc Châtelain, Vice-
President of the film and television division at L'Equipe Spectra, are
the program's executive producers.
"It was a big challenge, but a very exciting one! This was our
first live shoot and we expected a record audience. We hoped we to captured all the emotion and
excitement of this magical celebration," explained Vincent Gagné.