The twin high wires are suspended 15 feet
(4.5 meters) and 25 feet (7.6 meters) above
the stage, and four tightrope walkers add
their own tension to the 6,600-pound load
on each rope. Their expert ability allows
them to perform feats in the air that most
of us would find difficult to do on the ground.

Angel Quiros, Angel Villarejo, Vicente Quiros, and Roberto Quiros
(The Dominguez's from Spain) lay siege to the high-wires next, taking to
them with ease. The brothers skip and dance across as if they have forgotten
they are twenty-five plus feet from the ground without a safety net. A point
we become acutely aware during the performance. The boys assemble a narrow moving
platform in the sky for Vicente to play on. And if we weren't all hyperventilating
by that point, he stands on it, balances, takes a chair, and balances on it. He
then eases himself back down in the seat crossing his legs in defiance.