The Pickpocket is a wily criminal in the guise of a clumsy clown. He
makes improbable balloon animals and is constantly on the run from a pair of
cops. And he almost always manages to give them the slip. He's a master scam
artist and he'll steal the shirt off your back in no time at all!

Thankfully we’re allowed yet another breather as Michael Halvarson, Koozå’s
only criminal-clown, takes to the stage and preys upon an unsuspecting spectator.
As he’s talking to them (tonight a guy in a suit), he’s stealing their watches,
wallets, phones, belts, papers, keys – you name it, he’s getting it. And he
throws in a couple of gags here and there too, such as finding a condom or two
and a baggie full of Viagra. To add insult to injury, as he’s giving back his
bounty, he’s untying the audience member’s neck-tie, and slips it off unawares.
He’s quite a hoot and good too!