A tower of people on a bicycle! A dozen people climb on a set of bicycles
and form a tower - similar to a banquine act only on wheels! Amazing, isn't it?
Performers: Amélie Major, Alain Gauthier, Hou Yi, Ninon Parent, Colin Heath,
Marie-Andrée Richard, Hou Aman, Marie-Eve Dumais, Li Qian, Marie-Josée Lévesque,
Jacinthe Normandeau, Annette Devick, and Frank Michel.
In related circumstances in a three-ring circus, this might be an extravaganza
with gymnasts jumping back and forth on motorcycles or on the backs of prancing
horses while above adjoining rings high flyers switched trapezes in mid-air. Here
the act is performed with one bicycle, whose rider is joined by three friends, then
by three more, and so on, until, before we know it, 13 people are perched on a
bicycle built for one. The cycle is so layered with passengers that it is almost
invisible as it glides smoothly around the ring.