Then off they go, one after the other onto the springboard in an explosion of
springs and jumps: Zigmunt Biegaj, Michael Barette, Jean Paul Seart-Boun, Luc Dagenais,
Roch Jutras, Tonatiuh Morales, André St-Jean and Jean Saucier

When one looks at the Korean Plank performance by the Ring Team, one immediately perceives an
eerie likeness to the Korean Plank act seen in Nouvelle Expérience. The blowing of the whistle by
the ringmaster and the orders to perform echo the likeness of the rude bellows of Madame
Corporation and her workers from Nouvelle Experience. And even though the performance here is
simple in its theatrics compared to what followed, there's still a simply amazing piece which
occurred right at the beginning of the act (as seen on video): with the two planks side by side,
one man is tossed into the air and instead of landing on the same board, he jumps from one to
the end of the second board, sending a second man flying over his head to be caught by the