Combining hand-to-hand, ballet, contortion and an aerial flying act, this
pair of Butterflies performs a pas de deux on a rope that allows them to swoop and
land, leap and fly in perfect unison.

A small cocoon ascends as the ants march off the stage, beautifully
introducing the next performance. A performer in silk struggles to
break free of her cocoon; spreading the silk threads after emergence
to evoke the delicate wings of a butterfly. Her metamorphic birth then
gives way to two other butterflies who soar into the sky on a strong
forest vine. Maxim Kozlov and Inna Mayorova (from Russia) perform a
slow, sensual dance of trust and love, wrapping themselves and each
other in a single Spanish web rope. After their performance, we meet
up with the Foreigner again as he continues his search for his Ovo.
But his presence in this world isn't liked by all and gets into a mock
sword fight with Flipo, the male matriarch of this little insect