With an upgrade from a 2600 to a 14.4/19.2 bps modem, I launched my first ever dial-in
Bulletin Board Service
(BBS) using Searchlight BBS software in April 1994. The board, entitled "Starfleet Command BBS", took off
rather quickly and became a popular destination for my small hometown's computing elite. A year in I
changed its name to "SpaceLink BBS" to it away from Star Trek lore and gave it a broader
space-fairing theme. Unfortunately the BBS lasted only another full year, shuttering on its two-year anniversary
in 1996. I, like everyone else at the time, decided to embrace something new and exciting called the World Wide Web.
I received my first email address (afn42151@afn.org), dabbled in Internet chat rooms via
IRC, and built my
first quaint little home page ("SpaceLink: To Boldly Go...") by September of that year.
With the seeds of Richasi's Domain planted in the creation and later migration from BBS to Internet,
the second half of our story can be found within the creation of a few web pages dedicated to Star Trek
collecting and with a service called GeoCities.
With GeoCities' 3-megabite site limit, I was able to
branch out, find a place to house my Star Trek creations - ("The Mego Page", "The Bandai Foreign Figures
Page" and "The Playmates Figures Page") - which up to that time didn't have a permanent home, and create a secondary
"homepage" entitled "CyberWulf's Domain". Although similar to "SpaceLink: To Boldly Go..." in that it too
housed information about myself and links to some of the things I enjoyed, the GeoCities page was developed
differently; having a different layout and different attitude.
A combination of the two sites on May 27, 1997 gave birth to what would eventually become what you see
today: Richasi's Domain. Over the years Richasi's Domain has gone through a number of design paradigms -
from iconic links to java drop down menus and from browser frames to image maps - and existed on four
different servers - Strato.Net/Geocities (1996-Feb 1998), Drigon.com (Feb 1998 - 2001/2), Azlance.com
(2001/2+). Although we're a little less "fan" oriented today (with the removal of the Star Trek
and Lion King-based pages) and more "personal" focused (it's all about me!), my Domain is still alive
and kicking and I hope it remains so for years more to come.