From the moment he steps on stage, the juggler captures the audience's attention. To a
stylised choreography that makes the most of his incredible flexibility, he incorporates a
fast-moving juggling act with hints of modern dance. His incredible precision and mastery
of his art are evident as he juggles up to seven balls at the same time.

Lead by Gaya, the goddess of the Earth, a spidery creature slithers
on stage giving birth to an omnimous man. Choreographed
with percision, this juggler's ability will astound. He's flexible,
he's talented, and he can juggle seven balls at one time! Beginning
with just two balls, he works his way up to all seven - the last
being a red one, symbolizing his heart. Trying to explain what
he does is almost a hard task. From dance, to gymnastics to just
craziness, he is a master of his art. After his mind boggling
act, he throws all the balls in the air, keeping only one - the red
one. After one last beat, he returns his heart to Azala suspended
in the air and expires.