Combining the grace and agility of a gymnast with the flexibility of a
contortionist and the dexterity of a juggler, the enchanting elfin-like performer
weaves her way through a myriad of ever-spinning hoops.

As the clown rushes off stage to nurse his burnt fingers,
Fleur calls to the Old Birds, who rush the stage. One by
one they come out, each holding a metalic hoop. Seeing it
as more of a toy than anything else, they try and manipulate
it around their waists, but it falls to the ground. To lazy
to pick them up, the Old Birds leave the hoops.
Fleur smiles again when a young woman appears.
She is beautiful and Fleur takes to her immediately. She
bends her body to and fro, causing Fleur to topple over
in anticipation. And then, the young woman takes hold of her hoops
and does amazing things. With her limber body, she whisks
her silver hoops around her body - her limbs, her torso,
her head - without losing motion or contact with her
rings. The positions she can get into are amazing and when
she adds two, three and way too many hoops to her body - she's
all a glo in the limelight!
Hoops was not originally part of the Alegría line-up when the show
premiered on April 21, 1994. Elena's father was invited to tour with his "Flying
Lev" act (High Bar) and Elena and her mother tagged along. A few months into
the tour, Elena would audition for Cirque and the company asked her to join the
tour at 12 years of age. We believe she began performing in Alegría during the
Santa Monica run (6 October to 18 December 1994), delighting audiences throughout
the United States. Elena would go on to perform in Alegría for a number of
years, before moving on to other Cirque shows in 2002.