Three high bars set 7 meters above a net form the aerial playground for daring
acrobats who "fly" to and from the arms of a mighty catchers, suspended by their knees
on a cradle swing. The astounding act culminates in a death-defying plunge into the net.

This High Bar apparatus was especially designed by Andrei
Lev and Choreographed by Pavel Brun just for Alegría.
(A duel-version of this apparatus appeared in Mystère beginning
in 1995). Three high bars set more than 40 feet above the
stage form the aerial playground for daring acrobats to fly
to and from the arms of mighty catchers, suspsended by their
kneees on a cradle swing.
"Querer" and Little Tamir fill the set-up time for the
act, as Little Tamir and a bird fly through the air.
But, a couple of minutes thereafter, "Icare" fills the
big-top and eight men climb up one by one to their
perch atop the big-top. One by one, they flip and turn
around the apparatus before letting go and placing their
future in the hands (literally) of the catchers. High Bar
is an amazing, sitting on the edge of your seat, performance
that can not be missed!