Surrounded by angels six-metres above the ground, a young woman dances across a
tight-wire using point shoes, a unicycle, multiple hoops, and her bare feet. Then, she
challenges gravity by climbing a 40-degree diagonal tight-wire to disappear into the
heavens some 40-feet in the air.

As the procession vanishes the partially lowered scrim curtains rises
to reveal a tightwire. The Tightwire walker crosses
the wire en pointe, on a unicycle, and then proceeds to spin hula
hoops while balancing on the wire. She finishes by ascending a
precarious diagonal wire before disappearing into the rafters. The
nature of tightwire acts means they don't lend themselves well to
artistic presentation and for the most part the act in Corteo is no
exception. The saving grace for the presentation is the sensuous
Latin ballad that accompanies the act. Guitarists sit on the centre turntable of the stage and play
while the male singer passionately sings the gorgeous Spanish song
while clapping rhythmically to the music.