This act is performed by a young girl who, although slight and fragile in
appearance, will astound audiences with her strength and agility. She balances
herself on a cane on one hand for an improbably long time, constantly changing
positions. Only rarely does she touch the ground.

Oceane presents herself to us in the form of a single,
fragile girl. She will take the position atop a single
metal cane and perform some of the most spellbinding
acts of strength and balance seen anywhere. Staying into
positions that would make even the strongest man collapse
in agony, she is able twist around and support herself
with only her arms to use. And just when you think there's
nothing else she could show you, she straightens her self
up on one hand... allows a leg to drift... then... bounces
to her other hand - without touching the ground! Performed
to "Stella Errans", the Single Handbalancing Act will