As a prelude to Pas de deux, four young women perform an aerial ballet.
Suspended from the set's giant claws by special harnesses, they twirl and float
over the heads of their partners.

What a great performance. The Spirits
are one of the most beautiful acts of emotion
I have seen. Fog fills the universe and a young
boy once again comes to us with a lantern... he
sets the stage for the cloudy-white spirits to
dance in the air.
The chilling "Miracula Æternitatis" accompanies the Spirits act.
According to the CD liner notes, the text was inspired by the first
verse of the "Tabula Smaragdino" (Emerald Tablet) that is as
mysterious as the act. As the Spirit Flyers soar through the air, the
vocals reach similar heights that lead directly into the next act.