The equipment is as simple as it gets: eight chairs and a pedestal. But in this act, the
artist uses them to create a 23-foot tower on which to perform a balancing act that displays
the human body at the very peak of condition and muscular control.
Zhang Gongli, dressed in nothing but muscles and a loin cloth, takes over
and calms things down. His act is as simple as it gets: eight chairs and a
pedestal, but what he uses them for will amaze. Over the course of a few minutes,
Gongli stacks the chairs at an ever increasing height (up to 23-feet from the
stage floor) to bend and flex his impressively toned body for us. There's nothing
flashy about his performance, just a slow mount and dismount and a wonderful stage
presence. Gongli has one of the best all around artistic performances in Koozå,
and it shows here.