Like two lovebirds, a young man and woman tease, play and sulk in an innocent
game of seduction and eventually intertwine their bodies in a lighthearted
vertical dance of fresh, unusual movements and lifts.

Like two lovebirds, a young man and woman tease, play and sulk in an
innocent game of seduction accompanied by the soft rolls of ocean
waves. After spilling onto the island in an inflatable raft, they
eventually intertwine their bodies in a lighthearted vertical dance of
fresh, unusual movements and lifts using nothing but a trapeze bar, a
hand, and their feet.
The presentation is simple, the music light, and the costuming fair,
but the image and scene that follows is simply one of joy. Kudos to
Cirque du Soleil for having the gumption to include a "not so serious
act" minus the chickens (re: Corteo) that works on all levels of
emotions. For me, this number is easily one the finest of the entire
show in terms of content (the unicycle girls have to be the best