Human dreams taking flight, borne by the hopes of a new millennium. The pendulum
movement of the trapeze flyers emphasize that time continues but never stops passing. The
benefits outweigh the risks, for the adventure is the reward.

The performers in the Trapeze act have been performing together as a group, and
an extended family, for the past several years. Comprised of members of circus families
from across Latin America, with one obligatory American, Mystère boasts one of the most
fast-paced Trapeze acts ever devised. Completing more than a dozen tricks in little more
than six minutes, the Catchers have a particularly difficult job as they spend the majority
of the performance upside down with little break in between.
The Flying Trapeze artists featured here were first seen in Cirque du Soleil's ZED,
its first resident show in Tokyo, Japan. There they performed with high acolades until
ZED ceased operations and closed on December 31, 2011. A few short weeks later,
a small re-vamp of Mystère was announced, which would incorporate ZED's
Aerial Silks and Flying Trapeze acts. Flying Trapeze replaced Mystère's long-standing
Aerial High Bar, which performed in the show from 1996 until February 2012.