Human dreams taking flight, borne by the hopes of a new millennium. The pendulum
movement of the trapeze flyers emphasize that time continues but never stops passing. The
benefits outweigh the risks, for the adventure is the reward.

Before the High Bar apparatus was conceived for Cirque du Soleil's 1994
creation Alegría, Mystère featured a Flying Trapeze number very similar to
one presented in 1990's Nouvelle Expérience. With flashy, colorful costumes
and an unwavering spirit to fly, these birds of prey took to the skies
in a phenomenal act, which, unfortunately, is no longer presented. At the
end of the 1995 season, this number was replaced with the High Bar. But
notice that this version of High Bar is actually a dual High Bar, which
makes this presentation vastly different than the one seen in Alegría.