Human dreams taking flight, borne by the hopes of a new millennium.
The pendulum movement of the high bar flyers emphasize that time continues
but never stops passing. The benefits outweigh the risks, for the adventure is the reward.

Like many acts in Cirque du Soleil, the music
enhances the stage performance. For Mystère, the "High Bar"
is not only the name of the act, but also the name of the
accompanying song. The Keyboardists
provide the multi-layering orchestrations that
include a myriad of synthetic sound changes. The
act features gymnasts flying and catching each other with
extreme precision; the music matches the intricate moves
with an assortment of crescendos, diminuendos, and
staccatos. The climax of the song builds as the vocalists'
pitch rises with ringing, metallic synthesizer patches
providing an offbeat backdrop. Then it ends with a
thunderous crash. And one of Mystère's trademarks is about
to begin.