The adventure begins with The Big Bang symbolizing primitive man
embarking on a never-ending journey. The opening also juxtaposes the
characters and contexts in a way that creates the universal life cycles of
Mystère®: the primitives on the drums, the renaissance Archangels and the
technical scenography coexist seamlessly. The Taiko's reappearance in the
conclusion is a reminder that the future is built on the memory of the past.

Whenever I ask someone what they remember most about
Mystère, the answer is usually- "The drums." Mystères'
percussionist, Pierre Dubé, traveled to Japan to learn the
fine art of Taïko drumming technique from Kodo, a Taïko
performing group from Sado Island. Pierre returned to
develop the act, also called "Taïko," in which he
coached a troupe of twenty-plus cast members the drumming
complexities. The result is a thunderous poly-rhythmic
delight that features Monsieur Dubé soloing on a drum the
size of a VW mini-bus. The climax of his solo is a hushed
drum roll that requires complete concentration while his
wrists pulsate with incredible nimble action. He then pounds
like thunder and the troupe rejoins the ritual.
The Taïko drum was first used in Saltimbanco
only to be elevated to such fine art here. Consequently, the vibrations from the drums
resonate throughout the Treasure Island Casino-Hotel and sometimes... set off
the alarms in the shops! Thankfully, these fine instruments can be heard on
the Mystère Live CD.