This act signifies organized human society: productivity, play and brotherhood
with the entire team working as a unit. Showcasing the amazing agility of the human
body through spectacular sequences of aero-gymnastics and human pyramids.
The comic chorus, always present, always jolly, always laughing in the face of the
pain of humanity. With their frivolous energy, these bouncing characters are like a virus
contaminating the world of Mystère with an infectious folly. Perhaps they possess the
true wisdom...

A pseudo three ring circus event takes place next. It
starts out with the Korean Plank - also known as the
teeterboard - then evolves into a near-miss trampoline (which is 'U' shaped)
routine; followed by an acrobatic fast track spectacle.
The combined songs of "En Ville/Frisco" accompany these
highly energetic and dangerous performances. Like
the performers rapidly swapping places, the jazz-influenced
instrumental allows the band to shine. The two songs switch
throughout featuring a jam session that begins with a
melodious saxophone solo. Afterwards, the full band
provides a furious multi-note passage that is followed by a
couple measures of a drum beat that introduces a
thumb-induced bass slap. And finally, the guitar and violin
trade improvisational licks that, unfortunately, go
unnoticed because of the action on stage.
Over 110 bounces on the trampoline and over 65 teeterboard jumps are executed during
a single performance of Mystère.