Hand balancing is the performance of acrobatic body shape changing
movements, or stationary poses, or both, while balanced on and supported
entirely by one's hands or arms. It is performed by acro dancers, circus
performers, gymnasts, and sports acrobats. Hand balancing may be performed
by partners or individuals. In partner hand balancing, a strong bottom mounter
supports the top mounter in handstands, planches and other acrobatic poses. In
solo hand balancing, a single artist performs handstands, one-hand stands,
planches and other equilbristic maneuvers, usually on top of pommels, blocks
or other apparatuses.

Eric and Amélie met in 1980 as students of Claude Victoria at the Annie
Fratellini Circus School in Paris. Within a year, they had placed second at
the Louis Merlin Scholarship competitions in Paris. They performed together for
two years with the Fratellini Circus before deciding to pursue separate careers.
Eric traveled extensively doing acrobatics in the circus, film, cabaret and
advertising. Meanwhile, Amélie modelled and did some screen acting and
advertising work. In 1986, she presented her "Clockwork Doll" act at the Cirque
du Soleil. Eric and Amélie are back together again in a hand-balancing act of
stunning purity and precision.