The cradle is a type of aerial circus act in which a performer hangs by
his or her knees from a large rectangular frame and swings, tosses, and catches
another performer. The aerialist being swung is referred to as a flyer, while the
one doing the tossing and catching is referred to as a catcher or caster. The
flyer usually starts and ends standing on the frame above the catcher. The flyer
swings holding on to the catcher's hands, performs releases at the top of the
swing, and is re-caught in mid-air.

Aerial Cradle would open the second half of the show. Isona Dodero and Joël
Suty, the act's performers, would go on to win a gold medal at the 14th Cirque
de Demain in 1991 for this act. What makes the act unique is the performers'
dramatic characterization as eagles, which was quite groundbreaking for an aerial
act at the time.