The excitement climbs a notch with the performance of the Andrews, two
artists from Britain who execute a series of breathtaking acrobatics suspended
in the air at the very top of the Big Top. This is thru "no holds barred"
entertainment. With nothing but one another for support, they leap and spin
far above the ground, holding the audience on the edge of its seats from
beginning to end.

Andrew Watson and Jacqueline Williams work from a bar at the very top of the
tent. Joined only at the wrist, they perform some dazzling aerial twirls and
twists. Turnabout being fair play -- or, perhaps, this just being an age of
sexual equality -- she gets her chance to dangle him in space. The climax comes
with one of them -- I won't say which -- taking a startling leap into the void.
The Watson-William tandem is one of the few doing Russian trapeze with neither
safety net nor wire. Their movements are so graceful and effortless that it's
hard to believe that gravity exists.