The flying trapeze is a specific form of the trapeze in which a performer
jumps from a platform with the trapeze so that gravity makes the trapeze swing.
The performance was invented in 1859 by a Frenchman named Jules Léotard, who
connected a bar to some ventilator cords above the swimming pool in his father's
gymnasium in Toulouse, France. After practicing tricks above the pool, Leotard
performed his act in the Cirque Napoleon (now known as the Cirque d'hiver). The
traditional flier's costume, the leotard, is named after him.

Performed by Stéphane Drouard, Frank Michael, Stéphane Ricordel, Marie-Hélène Carasse
and Odile Simonin in Pink and Blue costumes, they hurl themselves across the skies
- jumping from bar to bar.