With agility, deftness and sensitivity, a young man performs astounding
dives and contortions in the net that holds him captive.
Now shrouded, Icarus rises up to the heavens he once so lustfully sought.
Give thanks. His prayer has been answered and by the grace of the Gods, his
shroud becomes a chrysalis. Writhing, falling, rising anew. His spirit and
body are transformed as his father, Daedalus, and the others watch on. Icarus
awakes with renewed vigor. He tests his “wings”, and, with a bit of boyish
bravado, even imitates his fall from grace... Yet this time, he’s alive, ready
to begin the beginning. The heavens lower him gently into a clearing where
The Guide awaits.
The story of Cirque's Icarus is a rich one, filled with the essence
of freedom. His drama takes flight as he descends into a populated
forest full of curious creatures "costumed as mutant birds, insects
or exotic hybrid species." Icarus is ensnared by a net, stripped
of the wings that gave him flight, and is hoisted high above the
forest floor. His struggle for freedom within the flexible cage
touches on emotions harbored in us all. The right to freedom is an
unsupressable human quality and is one played
upon well as he triumphs over his imprisonment. In escaping his
harsh encapturement, Icarus flies once again across the heavens in