
Animation, or pre-show, can take the form of characters milling
through the crowd crying over their dead friend (a la Corteo), a
delivery man in search of his charge (as in Koozå), mysterious
characters guarding their mystifying void (as in KÀ), bugs from the
microcosm swarming the big top (OVO), or clowns pointing unwitting
attendees to their seats (as in Mystère, La Nouba, and a variety of
other shows). For AMALUNA, while the percussionist and guitarist strum
and pound a tribal beat, a number of plumed peacocks, leathered-hide
lizards and various warriors of the island make their appearance and
slink, strut and sashay about: There is Deeda, a clown dressed in
yellow (she's Miranda's Nurse, played by Pepa Plana from Spain), who
runs about wondering why people aren't taking their seats. Another,
lizard-bound Cali, meanders his way through the crowd, flicking his
tail here and there before climbing a mast and proceeding to dump
popcorn on select guests beneath him. Other androgynous Peacock
characters strut about tickling unsuspecting guests with their
feathers in hand.
Suddenly Deeda walks on stage; all eyes are drawn to her as she
welcomes us to the show - "Ladies à ladies, mesdames et mesdames,
senoritas y senoras" - then takes us through the rules of the house:
should there be a "petit problème"? "NO PANIC!" Should there be a
bigger problem... well, whatever! Also "no foto, no texto, no
facebook, no youtube, no, no, no, no, no!" (You know the drill). When
a cell phone rings out in the audience, Deeda frowns and taps her
foot, then goes to fetch it. After Deeda answers the call and speaks
to the caller, she places the confiscated phone in a plastic bag then
stuffs the entire kit-and-caboodle in a pouch along her waist. We've
been warned!