Four artists representing lost lovers in Purgatory perform a
complex and innovative tight wire act. Working simultaneously on
four wires they encounter each other headed in opposite directions,
dance a tango in the same direction, bounce into the air like
trampolinists and even walk the wire in high heels and en pointe
in ballet shoes.

When we were last graced with their presence, Jeeves was attempting to
woo Deeda with his relatively poor singing and instrument playing
abilities. Although she showed him up with a little Spanish flair,
Jeeves succeeded to court Deeda. Here she shows up happy and pregnant!
When her time to deliver comes - "Ay! ... Ay!Ay!" – they become giddy.
So happy in fact they celebrate with a belly bump that serves to break
Deeda's water (which they simulate rather humorously). With the baby
now on the way hilarity ensues: Jeeves rushes off simulating the cries
of an ambulance in transit and brings a gurney upon which to carry
Deeda. And after putting up rubbery legs (to help simulate stirrups
but not taking the reality of the process too far), out pops the child
– an American football with a little clown nose. The two, happy with
their new progeny, begin to play... tossing her into the air and back
and forth to each other... getting further and further away until the
baby falls to the stage; but she's okay. Then - "Ay! ... Ay!Ay!" –
Deeda goes back into labor and another baby pops out, this one with a
long stylized moustache like his father. Before the new parents can
enjoy their second child Deeda's labor continues on and on and on! Now
overwhelmed by a crying hoard of children, the clown pair take to the
audience in an attempt to elicit their assistance with keeping them
quiet (by singing "Rock-a-bye baby" to them)! It doesn't work...
Returning to the action, we find four artists representing lost lovers
in Purgatory. These fil-de-fer specialists take action and walk across
their precarious ropes with comfort and ease. In what appears to be
homage to the roaring twenties, two men and two women take to the
ropes displaying an escalating array of balancing and maneuvering
skills: some flips, some leaps, bounces and even walking the ropes in
high heels and en-pointe in ballet shoes! By the end of the
performance both Romeo and Miranda find one another, but on opposite
sides of the mountain top. They attempt to reach each other by
crossing a rope but Cali, who is waiting in the wings, grabs Romeo and
sends him back down to Earth!