A classic circus arts number involving strength, precision
timing and sheer acrobatic skill, as performers spin glowing
watermeteors, take off from platforms of upturned feet, tumble
above the ring then land – all in unison.

Combine the cuteness of Varekai's Water Meteor trio with the acrobatic
dedication of the same show's Icarian Games troupe and you get this
amazing number. Here the female body becomes catapult and catcher in
an elaborate, explosive and highly choreographed presentation of
strength, balance and agility, all while keeping their water meteors
(not filled with water, sadly) whirling through the air with
impressive agility. Towers? No problem. Leaping from porter to porter?
No problem. Taking off from platforms of upturned feet? No problem.
How about leaping through someone else's legs? Sure! It all comes to a
surreal close as the lights dim and the water meteors glow!