The Moon Goddess appears to Miranda riding a Cerceau, bestowing
her blessing with a haunting song. Romeo watches as Miranda plays in
the waterbowl, discovering her own physicality and expressing her
sinuous sexuality as she performs a challenging hand-balancing routine
before diving and snaking through the water. He joins her in the water,
where they innocently play and tentatively kiss for the first time.

As shooting stars rain down from above, the Waterbowl is pushed to
center-stage and the Moon Goddess – clinging to a simple steel hoop –
descends from above. The Waterbowl resembles a giant, clear gemstone
set in a ring of stylized organic shapes that evokes a vortex captured
in time. As it interacts with the lighting, this "jewel" changes its
appearance and aura, much like a precious stone. As the Moon Goddess
sings to Miranda, who is watching from the cover of darkness
(bestowing her blessing with her haunting song), she soars around the
water bowl in this fantastic Aerial Hoop number.
Later, as she tires,
the Goddess calls for Miranda to join her and the two rise into the
heavens as one, before Miranda drops into the water bowl in a gleeful
splash of happiness. She cavorts about the waters cheerfully, rising
to the surface to balance herself on the bowl's edge (and on specially
designed canes) in a fantastic display of strength, flexibility,
equilibrium and sensuality. Her energetic and joy-filled display of
sinuous sexuality catches Romeo's eye. And later when he joins her in
the water, she kisses him and the two seemingly become one.