The raging storm deposits a group of young men on the island’s shore,
where they are immediately taken prisoner by the Amazons. Romeo and Miranda
fall in love the moment they see each other. But although he escapes, they
are not destined to be together just yet. Meanwhile, Romeo wanders into the
Enchanted Forest where he witnesses the bewitching dance of the Peacock
Goddess in her dazzling white dress – a performance that represents the
purity of love.

Undaunted by the turn of events, Romeo leaves his clan in search of
Miranda. His path becomes treacherous as he enters an enchanted forest
of strangely shaped trees (poles), some of which seem to descend from
the heavens without form. As creatures of various dimension twist and
twirl on these Chinese-pole inspired apparatuses, Romeo attempts to
push through. Just when he thinks all hope is lost he comes upon the
white Peacock Goddess (Amy McClendon), dancing gracefully in her
dazzling white dress. For a moment Romeo stands mesmerized and though
he is tempted by her seductive dance, he turns and leaves... his heart
yearning for another.
Jeeves, the Captain of the rag-tag crew of men (although according to
Cirque he's Romeo's "manservant"), pushes through a clearing in search
of Romeo but finds little clue of him. In the process he runs into a
small band of creatures that scare him, but are equally curious of the
newcomer; they follow him wherever he goes. Frightened, he attempts to
escape by climbing a nearby tree but can barely muster the strength to
pull up his girth. The forest creatures help him, but this only
elicits a yelp of surprise – which attracts the attention of Deeda,
who just so happened to be walking nearby. She spots the Sea-Captain
and attempts to help. When he cries out at her and she tells him "NO
PANIC" the two regard one another honestly for the first time. Deeda
is enamored as Jeeves introduces himself and the two become lost in a
tickle-fest (fantasy sex scene), which ends rather hilariously when
Jeeves falls asleep.