Although it is a very popular gymnastic exercise in Germany, Quidam makes the German
wheel look like a game. The wheel, two metres in circumference, consists of two metal hoops joined
at six points. The performer rolls, turns and spins the wheel while nonchalantly performing gravity-defying
somersaults and acrobatics. Fascinated, spectators observing this strange pair wonder whether wheel or
acrobat is in control. Are they adversaries or allies? The mystery remains unsolved.

Stunned as her family is carried away, the Les Chiennes Blanches invade
and criss-cross the room, a “clown” hands Zoe a balloon, and we are introduced
to our young heroine’s guides into this fantastical world: the purple-suited
“John,” whom we’ve already met, and “Target”, an always-smiling impish character
(conspicuously clothed in the same swirled design as the carpet on the family’s
floor.) And while Target’s playful tumbles catches Zoë’s eye, John saunters over
and puts the Father’s shoes on – taking his place and setting into motion the
dizzying twists of the German Wheel.
Developed by Austrian-born Otto Feick in 1926 as a gymnastic exercise
device, the 110 pound wheel looks more like a game. It wasn’t until notable
French artist HyacintheReisch created an act for the wheel in 1989 that the
discipline that we know today was born. The wheel, two meters in circumference,
consists of two metal hoops joined at six points, inside which the acrobat
stands and uses his own impetus to propel the wheel, whirling and performing
acrobatics while defying the laws of gravity.
The Wheel rolls into place in what was the living room, and the artist
nonchalantly carries it through a series of rolls, twists, turns and spins
that defy explanation. It flips from side to side, and returns to a straight
vertical. It rolls across the stage at dizzying speeds. He guides this huge
apparatus through varying tricks in a display of athleticism unlike anything
seen before - some even with his hands held calmly behind his back. Fascinated,
spectators observing this strange pair wonder whether wheel or acrobat is in
control. Are they adversaries or allies? The mystery remains unsolved.