Trapeze and Spanish web techniques combine in the explosive and dangerous cloud swing. Spectators
thrill as she calmly carries off spectacular acrobatics, dives and contortions at a hellish pace. The trapeze artist
electrifies the audience, won over by her strength and virtuosity.

The trapeze artist electrifies the audience, won over by her strength and
virtuosity. It is a much more 'violent' performance than that of the Vis-Versa,
and plays an important counterpoint to the slower elements of the show. The solo
artist swings back and forth executing difficult flips and spins while the
character Boum-Boum (covered in a net) watches from below. At one extended point
of the swing, she seemingly falls off the trapeze, attached only by a small
guide-wire to her leg. But from the audience's perspective it looks like she's
falling off completely. She regains her balance and continues flawlessly.