Never losing contact, two strong, flexible performers move almost imperceptibly, assuming positions
impossible without an impeccable sense of balance. The audience is captivated by the sensuality of the
performance. Like martial artists enthusiasts, these two performers call on their sensitivity and powers of
concentration in their quest for perfect harmony. Their act is testimony to the natural beauty of the human body.

A recurring element of Quidam is the nameless, faceless, ubiquitous
characters dressed from head to toe in white medical-looking suits. These
characters come in and out of the show, as they had participated with John
at the very beginning, in various ways. After John leaves the stage they
come rolling out in a group, form a clump in the middle and out of their
midst come the next two performers to do the Statue or Vis Versa act.
Reminiscent of similar acts in other Cirque shows, this duo balancing act
is a Cirque trademark, particularly beautiful in Quidam as a counterpoint
to some of the more frantic performances.