
While the Hoops performers are being escorted off stage (the
same way they came on, via the Téléphérique), a small celebration
is going on below them on stage. But this ruckus is short-lived,
as thunder and lighting scare the party-goers off. The world of
Quidam once again turns somber, darker, and ominous.
Slowly, delicately, and purposefully the Égarés - the
lost ones - who have made their way back onto the stage under
John's leadership, mill about as if unsure where to go, or what to do.
Meanwhile, in place of the retreating Hoops, Target now glides out over
the masses, the top-half of the bird cage in his right hand, a bell in
his left.
Then all at once, unable or unwilling to press on any longer, the
Égarés collapse around young Zoe at the first knell. By the
second, she feels compelled to release her balloon (a symbol of
her soul and innocence) to Target, who claims it within in his cage.
And then, as Target glides away, all who are lost on the stage
release their souls too...