The diabolo, or "Chinese yo-yo," is a child's game that Quidam brings into the realm of art.
Four young Chinese performers each hold two sticks linked by a string, on which they slide, juggle and
toss a musical wooden spool. The audience holds its breath as the four performers attempt to outdo
each other in dexterity and ingenuity. This act won the Gold Medal at the 1995 Festival du cirque
de demain in Paris.

Through this group come the four young girls carrying their
Diabolos who perform a quartet of juggling by tossing them
across the revolving stage, forming pyramids and seeming-
impossible uses of the ropes and spinning tops. In one of the
most beautiful uses of the stage, at the end of the act, the four
girls spin their tops up ropes hanging from the ceiling of the
tent, from which drop in synchronization streamers of white and