
The Father, suitcase in hand and jacket over shoulder, is walking home from
work when he becomes seduced by a beautiful young égaré. Entranced by her beauty,
the Father forgets his life behind him and becomes entangled in an intense act of
passion seen through the aerial straps (played appropriately to the tune of “Steel
Dream”), while Zoë walks by, oblivious to his actions. Funny Bunny watches the
entire scenario unfold before her, pulling all the strings - is she the one who
is truly in control?
Throughout the act, it becomes apparent that the égaré is taking advantage of
him, gaining power over him. He tries to distance himself, but her seductiveness
is his weakness. The Mother, meanwhile, takes notice of his actions, but Funny
Bunny quickly jumps in and distracts her.
The Father eventually distances himself enough from the égaré to walk away.
Funny Bunny hands him his suitcase and jacket, like nothing ever happened in the
first place. But is the damage already done? She leans in for a kiss, but he is